Tire Sales in Goldsboro, North Carolina

We Sell Brand-Name Tires and Offer Installation Service

When Do You Need New Tires?

Cars are made to last for the long haul, but certain components wear with use and time and require replacement. One such component is your tires. Under normal driving conditions, tires can last anywhere from five to six years. If you haul or off-road often, however, your tires may require replacement sooner because of the extra demand put on them. Tread depth is the main indicator for when you need new tires. If your tires’ tread depth is 2/32-inch or shallower, it’s time to seek out our tire sales specialists. Many tires are actually designed with tread wear indicators, which become visible once your tread reaches an unsafe depth. Additional signs you may need new tires include consistent air loss, uneven tread wear, odd vibrations or noises, and cracked or bubbled rubber. If damage has occurred to the tire’s sidewall or shoulder, it will likely also need replacement. We recommend performing a visual inspection of your tires monthly for any signs of irregular or excessive tire wear and damage and visiting us if you notice anything unusual. If it’s time to shop our tire sales, get in touch with us at AutoMed in Goldsboro, North Carolina.